2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

HIST 30383 Experiences and Encounters: Paris and Madrid, 1880-1940

This study-abroad course has as its focus the historical trajectories of Paris and Madrid in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and is taught in conjunction with ENGL 40553, Studies in Nineteenth-Century American Literature: American Writers in Paris and Madrid. The two courses together will explore the experience of travel to Europe for Americans in this period, the narratives they wrote about their travel, and the historical context of these experiences. With the cities of Paris and Madrid as a kind of "traveling classroom" to showcase the factual and physical context of these narratives, students in HIST 30383 will gain a familiarity with the principal historical developments surrounding Paris and Madrid in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the perceived and real differences between the two cities, and how this historical context shaped the experiences of the writers featured in the English course. This course will use historical sources alongside the literary texts of the English course as catalysts for studying the history and culture of their two cities. (EU)
