2023-24 Graduate Catalog

ENGL 55283 British Literature: The Bloomsbury Group

Prerequisites: ENGL 10803, 20803, and at least one 10000- or 20000-level ENGL/WRIT/CRWT course. A close scrutiny of early 20th century British literature and criticism written by and about the intellectual circle called the Bloomsbury Group. Writers and artists may include Virginia and Leonard Woolf, E.M. Forster, Lytton Strachey, Roger Fry, Duncan Grant, Vanessa and Clive Bell, and Desmond MacCarthy. Emphasis will be given to the writers' engagement with, contributions to, and/or repudiation of Modernism, Empire, sexual norms, and class consciousness. Student cannot receive credit for ENGL 55283 and ENGL 30463
