2023-24 Graduate Catalog

Physics & Astronomy

Students may pursue the Master of Arts, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Physics.

Prerequisites for the MA, MS or Ph.D. Degrees: BA or BS in Physics, or 24-semester-hour equivalent, including intermediate or advanced undergraduate courses in mechanics, electricity and magnetism, atomic and nuclear or modern physics or their equivalents. Twelve semester hours must be of junior or senior level. Required are mathematics through differential equations and a course in general chemistry.

Students deficient in any area of preparation may be required to take the necessary coursework during the first year of graduate study. The GRE is not required and is not considered in admission, unless specifically requested. GRE scores may be requested to be part of a holistic review of each application, but official documents are required if scores are submitted for inclusion with the application.

Teaching Requirement

As part of their professional training, full-time graduate students in physics are required to participate in the undergraduate teaching function of the department. This requirement is met by assisting in undergraduate labs, giving laboratory instructions, grading papers, conducting problem sessions or offering tutorial help. The assignment varies depending on the interest and experience of the student, and the degree of involvement in thesis or dissertation research. It usually amounts to 10 hours per week or less.