2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Human Experience and Endeavors

27 hours

Courses in this curriculum explore significant achievements and discoveries in the humanities, fine arts, social sciences and natural sciences. The aim is to develop students’ knowledge of the human condition and its connections to the good and the beautiful, and to the natural and social orders. The requirements and competencies for this curriculum are:

Requirements Competencies: TCU graduates will:
Humanities 9 hours       Apply methods of humanistic inquiry and construct relevant arguments.
Social Sciences 9 hours Understand social environments that arise from and influence human interaction.
Natural Sciences 6 hours Be literate in the natural sciences.
Fine Arts 3 hours Understand the significance of the fine arts and the importance of creativity through standard coursework and/or applied study.

Courses proposed for the Human Experiences and Endeavors Curriculum may also meet the outcomes of a category in the Heritage, Mission, Vision and Values Curriculum or couple with courses required for the major, minor or general curriculum. No more than two courses in the Human Experiences and Endeavors Curriculum may be taken from any one area as defined by course prefix. In addition, the requirements in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, respectively, must be satisfied in at least two different areas as defined by course prefix.