2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Campus ID Card

The TCU ID card is a student’s access key to many University resources.  Students can use their ID cards to access dining funds, residence halls and athletic events.  ID cards may also be used to charge concessions at athletic events, items from vending machines, purchases at the bookstore, photocopies in the library and Frog Prints Printing Services, and computer printouts from the Information Commons and other public computers across campus.  It is also used to verify identity if requested by a TCU official.  The card is active as long as a student is enrolled.  Most students ID card will remain active over the summer as long as they were enrolled in the previous spring semester and have already enrolled in the upcoming fall semester.  It will only need to be replaced if lost or stolen. We do not require students to purchase a new card each year.  Card-holders may replace lost or damaged cards at the ID Center during normal business hours.  TCU police can print a replacement ID after hours or on weekends.  There is a replacement charge of $20 for a lost or stolen card. 

Card owners are responsible for reporting lost or stolen cards promptly to ensure that no one else uses your card.  Card owners can deactivate a lost or stolen card online several ways: 

                1)  Sign into the TCU mobile app.  Click on frog Bucks/Quick Links/I Lost My Card 

                2)  Log into my.tcu.edu, click on Helpful Links/Frog Bucks/Quick Links/I Lost My Card

                 3)  During business hours, call the ID Center at 817-257-7856

                 4) Outside of business hours call the TCU Police at 817-257-7777       

                Students can reactivate a found card using any of the above methods.

Until a card is reported lost or stolen you are responsible for any card purchases.

The ID card remains the property of TCU at all times, and funds and privileges attached to the card are non-transferable. Any misuse of the card could result in loss of privileges or disciplinary action. ID cards should be in a student's possession at all times and must be shown upon request of any University official.

If at any time students have questions or problems with their ID card, visit www.idcenter.tcu.edu, contact the ID Card Center in Brown-Lupton University Union at 817.257.7856 or email IDCenter@tcu.edu.